Friday, December 4, 2009

Getting Started


So, here's the thing...I start things...lots of things, and I wouldn't say that I am not a "finisher", but I get really really excited about new things pretty frequently, and then the old things just sort of...fade away.  In the interest of practice, and learning to finish, I have started to write.  My plan here is to create an online record of the multitude of things that I get really excited about, in the hopes that I will be able to maintain that magical feeling of can't-wait-to-see-where-this-goes all the way through to the end.  To be honest, I have already begun to lose interest, which has convinced me even more fully that this is something that I need to do.  There are several different tacks I could take here as well.  Do I go funny (if so this is a rough start), do I go intellectual (not much better than the last), do I post about things that I love, things that I want, things that I do, things that I read, people that I know, events that have occurred, interesting anecdotes?  HOW DO I DECIDE???  I have no idea, and figuring it out is looking pretty bleak at this point.  What have I started?  Is this just one more thing I have signed on for that is going to drive me that much closer to the brink of insanity?  Probably.  I guess it's the journey though.  Wish me luck.


Stephen Monteith January 24, 2010 at 5:50 PM

Good luck. I started three blogs last year, and I've just barely managed to keep up with them.

Kirsten January 25, 2010 at 9:33 AM

Thanks Stephen! I am trying my best. It seems my habit of running off at the mouth doesn't really translate so well to the internets...:) I am often too distracty.

xxsp!racy March 9, 2010 at 3:19 PM

It's an uphill climb, really. There are going to be days where you don't want to update your blog for anything. Then there are long stretches of time where you have multitudes of platitudes. Every once in a great while you'll have that epiphany moment when you post something that makes it all worth while.

Of course this is pretty much the textual equivalent of one of those "hang in there" kitty posters, but if I can have 200 posts between two blogs about random musings then you'll do quite well. :)

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