Friday, February 26, 2010

This makes me laugh...


Sunday, February 21, 2010

I've been replaced!


For as long as I can remember my mom has dreamed of having an English Bulldog.  The combination of ugly/cute, laziness, and adorable playfulness has really appealed to her for years, but as is the case for many of us, it was "never a good time".  This past year she finally finished building her dream house and, after previously living in a 1200 sq ft condo, the sprawling floor plan of her 1400 sq ft house has proved too lonesome to ramble around in all alone.  That's right, the time has finally arrived for a new companion.  After months of searching and other various internet resources, she finally found the girl of her dreams...

Sassy(pants).  We're not overly fond of the name, but she previously belonged to an older lady who sadly died.  I suppose if she was going to get an old lady name, we are lucky it wasn't Princess or Cupcake.

And so, it seems I have been replaced with a new daughter.  Sassy may have my mom's heart, but she will never have opposable thumbs.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Green Graffitti


How byoooootiful is this???  It's things like this that make me (sometimes) wish I had a yard. IT'S MOSS!

The potential applications for propigating moss in any shape you want are endless!  I think I might force my mom or my aunt or my granny to do something like this somewhere, just so I can try it!  Full instructions and additional photos can be found at Apartment Therapy.

There's always something to do!


(I like his undies)

Well, it's Friday, and there is another weekend of wintery precipitation on the horizon.  Blech.  At this point, the novelty of snow in Hampton Roads has worn off for me.  I am ready for Spring and the weather it brings.  No more wind whipping around my windows at night, no more bundling up my face to slosh through the parking lot to my car, no more driving 25 mph in a 45 because everyone in front of me is scared of black ice. I AM READY FOR SUNSHINE!!! Which, incidentally, was my first word as a baby. That's right, I skipped right over all the traditional  monosyllabic first words right into the precocious realm of two syllables.  But I digress.

My original point (if you could call it that) was that the potential for being trapped inside my house with nothing to do for another weekend is nauseating. For those of you with children, I am sure the idea is even more daunting. Fear not!  There is hope! If you have a computer and a printer, some scissors and some tape (or glue) you have a recipe for hours of entertainment. Readymech is an awesome website that I stumbled across several years ago and only just remembered about RIGHT NOW! It is filled with papercraft patterns for you and the kiddies (not to be confused with kitties as they do not have opposable thumbs and would not be of much assistance) to print, cut, and assemble. Enjoy!

Here is what the patterns look like, but visit the site for a full sized pdf.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Pretty (Re)Purpose


This beautifully repurposed light bulb bud vase is so simple and eye-catching, it makes me wish that every horizontal surface in my home was not already covered in crap that I love.  The trouble with loving beautiful things is that there are a lot of them. Simplistic minimalism seems to fly out the window rather swiftly.

With Valentine's Day fast approaching (bastard) you may find that you need a place to store some flowers and keep them lovely.  You can find a full tutorial for this little lovely at the Readymade website.  You can make the entire project for under five bucks (assuming you already own a few simple tools). Additionally, if you do not already subscribe to Readymade magazine, I highly recommend it.  It is filled with fantastic projects, pretty pictures, and tons of inspiration.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Lunchbreath Brilliance!


Just when you think you are completely random and unpredictable, something comes along and slaps you in the face, letting you know exactly how predictable you actually are.  It would be sad if it wasn't so freaking hilarious.

Tobias Lunchbreath (suspicious nomme de guerre) is a brilliant Art Director at a mysterious locale, somewhere in the vicinity of Chicago IL (I am assuming the "IL" part, I suppose there could be a Chicago, Kentucky), with a ridiculous knack for quantifying the seemingly unquantifyable. His entire photostream is retardedly awesome.  Thumbs up.