It seems the weather gets a little bit prettier with every passing day, and the prettier it gets the more I want to get outside and enjoy it! I live in an apartment myself, and don't really have an outdoor area for dirt digging, so I spent the day at my mom's house digging in her dirt. Today we spent a little time planting groundcover in between the flagstones in the sidewalk we built together last summer. We are hoping it will spread out and creep between all the stones for a been-here-forever old cottagey look. We'll see how it turns out as the full effect of our labors won't be apparent for a few weeks at least. HOWEVER, never happy to wait for excitement, we decided to take on another project with a more instant gratification. We built a vegetable garden box out of building scraps she had laying around the shed. I was a little skeptical at first, but it turned out SUPER CUTE! She had an old wrought iron gate that we fastened to the back of the box using antique drawer pulls. I swear that lady is a creative genius. She's really modest about it, but she is just filled with brilliant ideas. I found these awesome garden markers
at that I think would be the perfect finishing touch! Perhaps a project for another perfect Saturday afternoon? So pretty, so perfect.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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