Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mmmmm, Fast Food Mafia


I found this awesome depiction of the Fast Food Mafia (we all know they run this town) via  So hilarious. For more information on each character's persona and the inspiration for their illustrations check out the silent sketcher's deviantart page.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pretty paper planters


I have been a self-professed bibliophile for most of my life.  I've been reading for as long as I can remember.  I do it every night, every weekend, and pretty much whenever I get a spare minute.  Consequently, I generally end up with quite a few books just lying around the house.  Having served their primary purpose, I  typically just donate most of my books to the library.  Now, I'm not saying that I don't  like donating the books to the library, I do, but sometimes I feel like the could serve some other purpose.  So what to do with all those pretty pages?  Re-nest found a great solution!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Icy spoons


Okay, I don't know what my thing is with different weird ice cube trays, especially considering the fact that don't even keep ice in my freezer aside from a single lonely tray, but for some reason I always seem to stumble across the most brilliant ice ideas!  The best part about this one?  It's only a freaking dollar! At

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Raindrop Melody Maker


This thing is lots 'o  fun!  Make pretty music whenever you get bored....and have a computer around.